COVID-19 and Highland Park 2020

To our Highland Family, 
Highland Park Campmeeting has been going strong for over 125 years. As part of our annual Camp Meeting, we hold a Youth Camp for middle and high school students.  For the first time since the Youth Camp started, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Youth Camp.  With the current guidelines in place, we believe we cannot fulfill the stringent guidelines that have been requested by the state and CDC for overnight camps.  

The good news is, we are still planning a Camp Meeting.  Although Camp Meeting may feel a little different this year due to social distancing we are still committed to our mission statement of making disciples of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:16-20).  We are currently planning evening services and are exploring streaming of the services so those that are not able to join us this year can actively participate.

Please note that the health guidelines we must follow continue to evolve. We will be in touch as we get closer to Camp Meeting with the list of activities/ meals for which we can safely execute.  To help us better plan, we would love for you to take a brief survey on your intended attendance and activity preferences. 

Please keep Highland Park in your prayers as we go through this year of transition. May we see it as a year of opportunity to try new things instead of a year of disappointment.

We are asking you to complete our survey at the following link:

In Christ,

The Highland Park Board of Directors


Spring Updates 2019